Guernsey Press

Latest water quality test at Cobo ‘excellent’

COBO’S latest sea quality test has been excellent, but the results from the outfall and the stream that feeds it remain poor.

Cobo outfall pipe. (Picture By Peter Frankland, 28731478)

The issue came to light in early September after checks saw erratic water quality results and the discovery of a worrying quantity of the bacteria E. coli. Research narrowed down the problem to the outfall near the kiosk.

Environmental Health & Pollution Regulation director Tobin Cook said they were still trying to find out the cause.

The latest sample was taken last Monday.

‘On this day, the sea water met the “excellent” standard,’ said Mr Cook.

‘Unfortunately, the most recent samples of water from the outfall on the beach and in a stream which feeds the outfall were “poor” quality.

‘Whilst it is encouraging that the most recent sea water sample was “excellent”, until we have established the source of the problem and/or we have consistently good results we recommend that people avoid direct contact with water from the outfall and that beach users maintain good hand hygiene after visiting the beach.’

Over the last week Environmental Health officers have dye tested the drainage systems at a number of properties, taken further stream samples, and Guernsey Water has assisted by taking surface water samples.

‘We are aware that there has been slurry spreading in the area and we are also investigating other drainage issues that

have been highlighted in the area,’ Mr Cook said.

‘We will provide further updates when we have resolved this matter or we can report consistently good sea water quality.’